Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge

Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) was established in 1935 as a refuge and breeding ground for migratory birds and other wildlife. It is an important link in a chain of refuges extending from the prairie lands of the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico. Located along the James River in east-central North Dakota, Arrowwood NWR is 15,934 acres in size and is made up of lakes, marshes, prairie grasslands, wooded coulees, and cultivated fields. As the James River meanders its way across the prairie and through the Refuge, it passes through four naturally occurring riverine lakes. These lakes have been modified to enhance water management capabilities and provide a variety of wetland habitats. Arrowwood NWR is the administrative center for the Arrowwood NWR Complex. The Complex includes approximately 75,000 acres of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lands in a nine-county area of central and eastern North Dakota. In addition to Arrowwood NWR, the following areas are part of the Complex: Chase Lake NWR and Wetland Management District (WMD), Valley City WMD, and Arrowwood WMD.

Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge
Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge

The Refuge headquarters is located 26 miles north of Jamestown and about 23 miles south of Carrington. From Jamestown, travel north on Highway 281 to Edmunds. At Edmunds, go east on County Road 44 for 5.5 miles and turn north on the headquarters road. From Carrington, travel south on Highway 281 to Edmunds. Turn east on County Road 44 for 5.5 miles, and turn north on the headquarters road. There are signs on Highway 281 and County Road 44 directing visitors to the headquarters.