Arkansas Post National Memorial

Located at the confluence of two rivers, Arkansas Post has served as a gathering place for many cultures throughout human history - it represents cultural cooperation, conflict, synthesis, and diversity.

Arkansas Post National Monument

Located at the confluence of two rivers, Arkansas Post has served as a gathering place for many cultures.

confluence of two rivers

Arkansas Post National Monument

The Alligator Slough footbridge

the Alligator Slough footbridge

Arkansas Post National Monument

Located at the confluence of two rivers, Arkansas Post has served as a gathering place for many cultures throughout human history - it represents cultural cooperation, conflict, synthesis, and diversity.

Arkansas Post National Memorial is in the Lower Mississippi Riverine Forest ecoregion.

Arkansas Post National Monument

Located at the northern edge of the Gulf coastal plain, the Arkansas Post's native growth ranges from prairie grasses and lowland hardwood forests to wetland marshes near the bayous and river.

Over the three centuries of history at Arkansas Post, the area has been greatly changed by both natu

Living History

During the Civil War, Confederate troops tried to maintain tactical control of the confluence of the Arkansas and White Rivers, and in 1862 they constructed a massive earthen fortification known as Fort Hindman at the Post. In January 1863 Union troops d

Arkansas Post National Monument cannon firing