Alkali Creek WSA

The Alkali Creek WSA encompasses 10,100 acres of BLM-administered land surrounding an island of private lands totaling 680 acres. This WSA contains outstanding opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation. The land in the WSA in relatively unencumbered by human-made features; one could expect to use the area without constantly encountering reminders of human presence. The size of the unit may be somewhat confining for some recreational pursuits; however, the rugged character of the landscape, the topographic and vegetative diversity of the area, and the lack of human-made confinements such as fences tend to counter the potential restriction of activity due to size. In addition, the outstanding scenic vistas of the surrounding mountains and the basin enhance the recreational values.

Alkali Creek WSA
Alkali Creek WSA

The WSA boundaries follow the Alkali Road/ Red Gulch Back Country Byway on the east and north, and a two-track trail along the western boundary. The southern boundary follows state and private property lines and Alkali Road.